
You can make a difference by choosing to serve with one of our Ministry Teams. It takes many people working together with excellence to help others connect with Christ. There is a place here just for you and your abilities. 1 Peter 4:10 says “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace…” Check out the teams below and then let us know you are interested by clicking the “Tell Me More” button.

Set Up

If you like working with your hands, building stuff, fixing stuff, setting up and taking down events


If you like meeting new people and being the first point of contact for people coming to church


If you like creating atmospheres, organizing, hosting, customer service, meeting new people, cleaning


If you like running sound equipment, computers technology, researching new technology, developing tech solutions


If you like singing, playing musical instruments, composing, music research

The Arc

If you like kids, training and teaching, crafts and games, hospitality, musical instruments and singing